An Experience in Discovering
- Have pencil and paper handy. Now, begin by letting yourself relax. Sit back and take a few slow breaths. Close your eyes, if you wish, to help achieve an inward focus, and just rest for a minute or so. When you feel at ease, open your eyes. Working quickly now, make a list of things that encourage your health and wellness. You can write out each response in a complete sentence, or simply use a word, phrase, or symbol to capture your idea. For instance:
- I know that more outdoor exercise helps me to work better.
- I know . . .
- I know . . .
- Next, make another list, this time focusing on things that discourage health and wellness for you. For instance:
- I know that eating in the car as I’m driving is not conducive to my digestion.
- I know that . . .
- I know that . . .
- Expand this self discovery by writing yourself a letter about your current state of illness or health. Write as one best friend to another. Address any other issues that may be particularly troublesome for you at this time and don’t hesitate to write about the changes you want and what you know will support you in making those changes. For example:
Dear Janet, I know you’ve had a lot of pain recently, and I want to encourage you to keep up your exercise program, which really seems to help. There are some other things that might be beneficial for you, like . . . Love, Janet You will gain maximum benefit from the exercises suggested above by repeating them periodically. For instance, try writing a letter to yourself every day for a week or more. Remember, as you write, that your health or illness is influenced by your state of mind, your emotions, and your spirit. Consider all aspects of yourself as you write your letters. You may find it helpful to write about your fears, your grief, your imagined weaknesses, and your negative opinions about yourself. Write also about your insights and intuitions, your dreams and plans, your day to day learning about questions of being and meaning. Doing this kind of honest self exploration will gradually reveal more of your own inner wisdom. This will give you the confidence to trust yourself as the expert on your own healing. You can begin to shape your life in new ways that promote greater health and wellness. You can speak self reliantly to your doctor or other experts about what you know about yourself.
Personal Wellness
Wellness is about you. It is about learning to love your whole self. It is about assuming charge of your life, living in process, and channeling life more... |
An Introduction
Meryn and John candidly share how they came to the field of child/family wellness from their background in adult wellness. more... |