Take That First Step Today
Now that you are off to a good start by discovering what you already know, it is time to act on that knowledge. Please don’t discourage yourself by attempting an instant overhaul of all of your life patterns. Habits have built up over years and will take time to change. What is one step that you can take today to encourage your wellness? Write it down. Do it. And give yourself a pat on the back for taking one small step toward health and wellbeing. For instance: - I will walk outdoors, vigorously, for ten minutes today.
- I will refrain from eating sugary snacks or desserts today and have fresh fruit or nuts and raisins instead.
- I will . . .
Helping Professionals
This area consists of text from Wellness for Helping Professionals, by John W. Travis, MD, and Meryn Callander. more... |
An Introduction
Meryn and John candidly share how they came to the field of child/family wellness from their background in adult wellness. more... |