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How To Achieve Enduring Health and Vitality
John W. Travis, M.D. & Regina Sara Ryan
  Home  > Part II: Loosening Up  > Loosen Up All Over

Loosen Up All Over

In order to appreciate wellness, your whole system needs to be relaxed and opened up and flexible. You need to be open enough to receive the energy that breathing and food and movement and light and human communication offer you. It’s hard to receive a gift with a closed fist. Once you have a better idea of your patterns of holding or contracting, you can consciously initiate the practice of letting go. In some cases, you may need to visit a health professional who specializes in your particular condition. For instance, TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) syndrome, a chronically tight condition of the jaw, can be helped with biofeedback training, among other approaches. But for most patterns of tension, self care is all you need.

  • Use your breath. When you notice tension, consciously direct your breath into that part of the body. Imagine, as you inhale, that the oxygen is flowing freely, in and around the tense spots. Feel it loosening muscles and supplying renewed energy to that area.
  • See 3. Breathe for Life to learn how to breathe more fully.

  • Use visual imagery. When you find your shoulders (or any part of your body) tight, create an image that soothes you. For example, imagine that you are standing under a warm shower that is softening the tough places or washing away the tension; or see yourself floating on a cloud.
  • See 29. Put Yourself in the Picture of Health for help in creating visualizations.

  • Use self massage. You don’t need to know any fancy massage techniques to release tension in your body. If your face is contracted with worry or concentration, a few gentle strokes with your fingertips in the tense areas can transform them. When you touch a part of your body consciously and tell it to relax, it often will, immediately.
  • See 13. Welcome Necessary, Healing Touch—The Gift of Massage for more suggestions about self massage.

  • Use self talk. It is possible to alleviate the pain and tension caused by contracted muscles by simply repeating a soothing phrase. “My lower back is loosening and warming,” for instance. The talk focuses your attention on the hurting place, and that attention catalyzes the relaxation of the muscles.
  • See 6. Watch Your Words—Avoid Illness Programming for suggestions about the use of healing words and phrases.

  • Move the tension out. Physical exercise is a great way to relieve overall bodily tension. Go for a swim or a brisk walk, or put on some music and dance. Pretend that you are shaking the tension off as you move. You will find that you actually are. See 15. Move for the Health of It—Do Something Aerobic for exercise ideas.

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