Healthy Self Expression
It takes a lot of energy to repress emotions, energy that can be used in a much more constructive and fulfilling manner; and because childhood messages imprint so deeply, I continue to struggle with both allowing myself to fully feel these feelings, and to express them constructively. It's worth it. In doing so, I can believe that things will be different for my daughter, and feel more in integrity with my self and my world. If we want our children to grow into adults who have the full range of their emotions, we must allow ourselves the full range of our emotions. Human beings are feeling beings, and to be fully human is to have the experience of the full range of emotions, from happiness to sadness, from grief and rage to joy and awe. —Cheri Huber & Melinda Guyol
References: Janice Cohn, Raising Compassionate, Courageous Children in a Violent World* Barbara Coloroso, Kids Are Worth It!* Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk* Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, Siblings Without Rivalry* Susan Gingrass Fitzell, Free the Children! Conflict Resolution for Strong, Peaceful Minds* Cheri Huber & Melinda Guyol, Time-Out... For Parents* Pam Leo, Connection Parenting Barbara Oehlberg, Making It Better: Activities for Children Living in a Stressful World* Julie P. Peterson & Rebecca A. Janke, Peacemaker: We Can Solve it Peacefully (Audiotape)* Aletha J. Solter, Tears and Tantrums* Elaine Whitehouse & Warwick Pudney, A Volcano in My Tummy: Helping Children to Handle Anger* Susanne Wichert, Keeping the Peace: Practicing Cooperation and Conflict Resolution with Preschoolers*
Child/Family Wellness
Honoring the heart, soul, and spirit of our children, our families, and our future. After more than three decades of pioneering work in adult wellness, and giving birth to a daughter, Siena, in 1993, Meryn and John realized that the more... |