Awareness and Self-Trust
Nutrition is a subject as highly charged as politics or religion. For just about any set of facts substantiated by one group of studies, you will find a comparable number of articles and experts" to refute it:
- Sugar is poison vs. Sugar is a quick energy food
- Meats are the best source of protein vs. Meat is harmful
- Vitamin and mineral supplements are a rip-off vs. Commercial croplands are so depleted, supplementing is essential
- Distilled water is best; it prevents kidney stones vs. Hard waters are associated with a lower incidence of heart disease
Confusing? Well, before you abandon your search, remember that there is one expert who does have answers for you - and that authority is you. Learning to listen to your own body will help you piece together the parts of your own nutritional puzzle. The appreciation of biochemical individuality demands that, above all else, we develop awareness of and trust in our own bodies. Ultimately, you are the one who is responsible for the health and wellbeing of your own body - not a chemist, a computer, or a physician.