Wellness Energy System: Distortions (II)
Try looking at the world around you as composed not of separate fixed things, but as structures reflecting the energy that creates them - a vast dance with a myriad of participants. We have shown an idealized model of wellness based on a balanced exchange of energy. But the world is not a perfect place. Like the clogged, contaminated, or empty pipes shown earlier, we experience energy distortions that lead to imbalances in the ways we process energy.
Here we see six possible distortions of energy that human beings might develop:
- Insufficient intake of energy; for example, denying acknowledgment or compliments from other people
- Too much of one form of energy, such as too much food
- An intermingling, contamination, or substitution of one form of energy with another, such as attempting to use sex to satisfy a spiritual hunger
- Blockage causing an internal buildup of unprocessed energy; for example, fear of open communication with others leading to a censoring of behavior for fear of what others might be thinking (codependency)
- Too strong an interface with the environment; for example, an abrasive, explosive way of relating to people, which discourages further interaction
- Too weak an interface with the environment; for example, an unfocused diffusion of energy, which shows up as a wishy-washy approach to people and commitments

Wellness Energy System: Distortions
1. Insufficient
2. Too much
3. Contamination
4. Blocked
5. Poor interface (explosive)
6. Poor interface (ineffective)
These six examples do not cover all the possibilities, but they do graphically show some of the possible distortion of energy that can lead to illness.