Wellness Energy System: Distortions
Recall again the analogy of water moving through a pipe as the energy moves through the human.
Many things can go wrong. There can be problems at the source - the reservoir may be dry because of a long drought...

...or the water may be poisoned by industrial wastes....
... or there may be problems in the pipe itself. There could be a leak; the pipe could be blocked by accumulated debris or rust.

Whatever the problem, the amount and the quality of water at the faucet - the output - will be seriously affected. Overuse due to extreme need, such as putting out a huge fire, may quickly deplete the input source. Lack of use, on the other hand, may cause the water in the pipes to freeze in cold weather, or stagnate and discolor as it sits in the channel. These examples highlight interdependent systems in which changes in one part impact the other parts in some way and affect the operation of the whole system in general.