28. Dealing with Discouragement
A great deal of chaos in the world occurs because people don’t appreciate themselves. Having never developed sympathy or gentleness towards themselves, they cannot experience peace and harmony within themselves, and therefore what they project to others is also inharmonious and confused... That kind of gentleness towards yourself and appreciation of yourself is very necessary. It provides the ground for helping yourself and others. —Chogyam Trungpa, Shambhala Any program of self change is bound to include some moments of discouragement. Disappointment and frustration are natural when the fantasy of immediate results is squashed, or the expectation of perfect discipline or consistency is not realized. It is common to start off with a great burst of energy and then slowly wind down. It is natural to set high initial goals and then have to reevaluate their feasibility. These are all normal turns in the cycle of change. They happen to everyone. The challenge is to deal with these setbacks realistically without allowing them to build into self hatred or cynicism. Compassion toward yourself and others is an integral part of the wellness journey. There are times to be strict with yourself and times when you should ease up. Self compassion is a way to handle disappointment and frustration and keep moving ahead with your efforts to change. As you practice self compassion, which incorporates self accept¬ance and self-forgiveness, you naturally learn greater compassion for the shortcomings of oth¬ers. Such awareness reminds you to be flexible in your approach to life, contributing greatly to your overall wellness.
Replacing Self-Judgment with Self-Acceptance
Developing Compassion for Self and Others
A Short Exercise in Compassion
Child/Family Wellness
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Personal Wellness
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